
September 5, 2024 |

Managing Partner Michael Kibler Quoted in USA Today on Jury Selection for Hunter Biden’s Trial on Tax Charges

Managing Partner Michael Kibler was quoted in a USA Today article titled, “Politics, drugs and taxes: jury selection for Hunter Biden’s tax trial could get personal.” The article discusses the jury selection process as it begins today for Biden’s tax trial, focusing on how the Court will work to eliminate potential jurors’ biases and how both Biden’s defense team and the government prosecutors are shaping their approaches.

With extensive experience in jury selection throughout his career, Mike shared his thoughts on the process. He explained, “[w]hat Judge Scarsi is trying to accomplish is to weed out biased jurors who will not be able to consider the facts presented in the trial and apply to the law he will read to them in the jury charge to reach a fair verdict.” He continued, “[i]f he thinks a question is intended to pre-argue a theme rather than weed out bias, he won’t ask it.” Mike further noted that “[f]rom the court’s perspective, the judge will want to explore whether the juror can be impartial, listen to the evidence and arguments, and follow the law as given to them notwithstanding the familiarity.”

Mike also provided insight from the lawyers’ perspective, noting that “[i]f I were representing the government, my ideal juror would be a lunch-pail, tax-paying working stiff,” and “[i]f I were (Biden’s) lawyer, my ideal juror would be someone who leans liberal and who has had personal or family experience dealing with addiction.”

To read the full USA Today article quoting Mike, please click here.

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